The Pendulum Works in a new way.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The New, Quit-Quick Concept.


You could stop smoking on the first appointment.

Have an extra $40.00+ a week to spend on the family!
(Do the math... $40.00 X 52wk. = $2080.00yr.)

No pills, no patches, no hypnotic-sleep induced, and nothing to buy;
brought to you cost-free including “follow-up service” if necessary by AWA.

Smoking cigarettes is not KOOL anymore; and is not an advisable thing for anyone to do at home, school or at work. Cigarettes are unhealthy to smokers, and to those nearby particularly fetuses and to very young children. They are expensive [usually] at over fifty dollars per carton; on top of that, they can permanently yellow the smoker’s teeth over time, and ruin their wardrobe with those unsightly burn holes. The pungent nicotine odor adheres to their skin, hair and the clothes that they are wearing. The smoker is not usually aware of that unpleasant odor, but a dance partner certainly will be.
Additionally the nicotine smell tenaciously permeates their car interior, home walls, rugs, furniture, and everything else including even pet’s hair and their lungs too. Smoking any cigarette may of course adversely affect the smoker’s health, but also their career and even their personal relationships too.
Other cost-free: services that particularly students at any level will appreciate are: Stop forgetting names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Learn to read much faster while remembering more and always have an endearing, witty come-back line in any conversation. All these and other priceless services are offered cost-free to the community. Additional Information provided upon request. AWA is a, nonprofit Organization, presently offering all services to Citizens of Corpus Christi, TX cost-free.

The New, Quit-Quick Concept:

Quit smoking right now, cost-free: Start by reading the following short description of the "Quit-Quick" concept. Understanding what and why I say what you will hear during the interview will help you relax your body and mind. Total, relaxation will be our goal today because only then will your subconscious mind be able to hear me and adhere to a few, brief directions.
Although anyone can recognize this procedure as the original hypnosis procedure; going back to eaeliest, recorded hystory; this is where the fork on the road separates the old and the new. The "IE/QQ" concept has resulted from a half century of experience helping people to live a longer, healthier, happier life.

Until recently the only practical, expedient tool available was the very popular "traditional hypnosis" but along the way the exclusive, innovative, "IE/QQ" concept has evolved. This innovation allows us to leave behind the necessity of relying on the induction of sleep as the only option in making contact with the subconscious mind; only through which [back then] we could have achieved our goals.

Discovering a paradox always makes things interesting.
I have to admit that the original hypnosis-process normally yields quicker results; there are many people that for a variety of reasons are better served by the innovative "IE/QQ" model.
The instinct of self preservation is heigthened by the effect of fear and unfavorable habits, or behavior can originate as result of emotional trauma, or learned by example, (Perhaps from parents or person that the child looked-up to.) and many other reasons. Think; "quit smoking quickly and cost-free" through a method developed by AWA that doesn't rely on hypnosis, patches, or drugs.
A trained volunteer located in your geographical area will work with you for as long as necessary; and replaced only if progress is too slow. A change of volunteer doesn't reflect on his/her abilities; as the large number of factors involved can affect the speed at which we can proceed.
After a brief “Initial-chat" (interview) the volunteer will determine the best course of action to follow in your case and brief you on possible options.
Allong the way you will be informed on why and how we pick up unhealthy and/or detrimental habits, followed by strategies used to overcome them.
Sometimes the volunteer will choose the direct strategy where through dialogue your “bad” habit will slip right off, (Like water on the proverbial duck’s back.) even within an hour; however the process might require five or six sessions of an hour each, in a quiet, peaceful environment.
The “AWA, quit smoking quickly concept” could not be easier to explain or to apply, and is totally painless, with no withdrawal discomfort, nor anxieties of any kind.
Several indirect benefits resulting from the AWA process will cause you to feel more self-confident and relaxed in situations where it was difficult for you to cope before. Your mind will think clearer and quicker too allowing you to handle most situations expeditiously and efficiently. Your friends and business associates will ask you about the secret that has transformed you into a nicer person to be around, and the life of all the parties.

Sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap
a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.
D. Boardman