The Pendulum Works in a new way.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

You & EDI. (Together they can conquer any obstacle quickly.)

The only constant in the universe is "change."

Understand what the subconscious mind and EDI are, and how well they can work together for you are explained here. The subconscious mind is a powerful, really wondrous thing that a lot of people don't quite understand. Learn here how this newly redeveloped concept simplifies the learning process, and the eradication of many terrible addictions, or habits.
Enhanced, Dynamic Imaging (EDI) relies in the projection of "specific mental images" and is the essence of the "Wide Awake concept" in establishing contact most effectively with the subconscious mind, to help in achieving any goal in the realm of modifying behavior, as in digesting, and remembering the material covered in school as elsewhere, and in conquering harmful, or inconvenient habits, much more efficiently. It is useful controlling appetite, bodilly functions, in easing mental anguish, and pain from minor injuries as well. Remember at will a forgotten information, or experience, or put a bad memory out of mind for as long as desired.
The use of “Passwords" to the brain/mind is an important component of the EDI method/system as in promoting the meditative estate; making communications between you and the subconscious mind more efficient/productive by yourself instantly.

Note: Remember that with this method you are always wide awake, though somewhat mesmerized. In every stage of the process, you can hear everything said by the AWA Associate, ask questions, and usually remember everything about the session afterwards. If you run a private enterprise, you could enhance efficiency/productivity, reduce accidents greatly, according to the number of associates enjoying the benefits of "EDI."
Most everything that you are reading here can be verified in Basic Psychology tomes at your nearest Public Library, or online. EDI and its processes are probably too new to specifically find described anywhere, but the same principles that govern it are universally known and applied in psychology.


Articles and excerpts of works published by experts on this topic.

By the way; contrary to the misconception that hypnosis is a form of unconsciousness resembling sleep; contemporary research suggests that it is actually a wakeful state of focused attention, and heightened suggestibility with diminished peripheral awareness. In the first book on the subject, Neury-pnology (1843), J. Baird described "hypnotism" as a state of physical relaxation, induced by heightened, mental concentration.
In the Wikipedia Website, as in several other sources you can find plenty on the Mind, Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis, but not a word on EDI because it has not been out there long enough. However, the main difference between these two therapeutic processes lies in that the oldest one relies in placing you in a [seemingly] deep hypnotic sleep.
When you stop learning you stop growing,
when you stop growing you start dying.